What We Do
Fairlight Parish Council consists of nine Councillors elected by the public every four years and they work as a corporate body, making decisions for the benefit of the community. These Councillors have statutory responsibilities for certain aspects of the village. They are the first tier of governance for residents and the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. Councillors aim to ensure that the views of the community are taken into consideration by other agencies, authorities and organisations responsible for taking decisions which affect Fairlight and its inhabitants.
The Parish Council is supported by a Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer, the only employee of the Council. The role of the Clerk is to ensure that the Council as a whole conducts its business properly and to provide independent, objective and professional advice and administrative support. Also, to administer the Council’s financial affairs.
The Parish Council has a number of formal powers i.e. reviewing and commenting on planning applications and maintaining public rights of way. It is also, responsible for community assets such as bus shelters, litter bins, the Circle roundabout, some grass verges, the village sign and noticeboards, Wood Field Recreation Ground, the play equipment and Knowle Wood.
Other matters, such as street cleaning and highway related problems are the responsibility of Rother District Council and East Sussex County Council. Fairlight Parish Council aims to ensure a good working relationship with these authorities and others, with a view to ensuring by its influence that Fairlight remains a safe, clean and attractive place to live.
Parish Councillors also strive to support local organisations and groups within the village through joint ventures and an annual grant scheme.
The Parish Council holds Council meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Dates, times and venues of these meetings are advertised on several notice boards throughout the village and on this website. Members of the public are most welcome to attend and speak to Councillors about any issues during the public session or just sit and listen.
Each year we estimate the net running costs of the Council’s activities and set a budget. The bulk of this is normally funded through the local element of the Council Tax known as the precept.All expenditure incurred by the Council is properly recorded and audited each year. Published accounts are available at year end upon request to the Clerk.
The Council keep the local community informed of activities through monthly meetings, the annual Parish Assembly, regular entries in the Fairlight Residents Association magazine, noticeboards, the Parish and village websites and house to house deliveries.