Financial Information
Precept and Budget
All Parish Council’s have the right to raise money by precept (a mandatory charge) on the District Council. The Parish Council decide each year how much it needs to maintain the council assets, to carry out the work required in the Parish and complete any approved projects. This follows a budget process and results in the calculation of the annual precept. The precept required by Fairlight Parish Council is then collected by Rother District Council as part of the Council Tax levied on all tax payers in the parish.
Precept amounts
2022/2023 £72661
2021/2022 £63,000
2020/2021 £63,000
2019/2020 £53,000
2018/2019 £47,000
2017/2018 £46,750
2016/2017 £47,000
Current year’s budget
The current year’s budget is available to download here.
Previous year can be found under the Finance & Audit section here.
Audit arrangements
Fairlight Parish Council’s accounts are prepared in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. The accounts are subject to both internal and external audit. Our internal auditor is Mr K Robertson, and the Government has appointed PKF Littlejohn to be our external auditor. The auditors have completed their checks for the year ending 31st March 2020 and found no matters of concern.
The Council’s accounting year runs from 1st April to 31st March. The documents below show the audited summaries.
The audited accounts Annual return for each year is published here for public inspection.
These and any supporting information can be seen, or copies supplied (50p per
page), by arrangement with the Parish Clerk. Please contact Mrs Pauline Collins, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, TN35 4AX Tel: 07487 822729. Email:
Year end accounts 2020/2021
Conclusion of Audit Notice Download
External Audit Report and Certificate Download
Public Notice Download
Internal Audit Report Download
AGAR Download
Expenditure over £500
The Local Government Transparency Code required local authorities to publish details of individual items of expenditure above £500, on a quarterly basis. A full list of income and expenditure is included as an appendix to the
monthly meeting. Please visit the Document Library – Council Meeting Minutes to access these details for each month here.
Section 137and General Power of Competency
In meetings and in reports, councillors or the Parish Clerk will sometimes refer to Section 137 expenditure. This is a section of the Local Government Act 1972 which allows councils to spend money in a way which is “in the interest and will directly benefit its area or any part of it and some or all of its inhabitants”. However, as Fairlight Parish has over two thirds of elected members and the Clark is CiLCA qualified (Certificate in Local Administration) the Council is awarded the General Power of Competency. This allows parish councils to have the power to do anything an individual can do, provided it is not against the law or is used to try and overcome existing legislation.