Important news regarding the Bale House.

Coastal Path Improvements

Works will soon be underway to improve the steps and handrail along some parts of the coastal path in the Country Park. The works are coordinated by ESCC and will be undertaken by JD Fencing who aim to start on the 14th March and envisage completion the first week
of April. Some path closures will be inevitable and have been organised by ESCC.

Dear Resident
Former Market Garden, Lower Waites Lane, Fairlight TN35 4DB
Construction of 16 houses together with associated parking, access and wildlife area.
Following objections by Fairlight Parish Council this planning application was rejected by Rother District Council in July 2020.
An appeal by the developer has been successful and Rother must now grant planning permission.
We will be considering the Planning Inspector’s decision and update residents on the situation when we have considered the implications.
We do not believe that any further appeal is open to us.
Stephen Leadbetter
Fairlight Parish Council Planning Committee Chairman.
To search for the planning details enter the number on 

Congratulations to Andrew Blackman DL on his appointment.

It was announced by Buckingham Palace on 17th May that Andrew Blackman DL, of Fairlight will succeed Sir Peter Field, KCVO as Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex on Sir Peter’s retirement in July. Mr Blackman served as High Sheriff of East Sussex in 2020/21.  


Vaccinations for COVID-19:

The approach in East Sussex

I8th December 2020

Today marks the start of the UK’s largest vaccination campaign, beginning in Hospital Hubs across the country.

This follows the rollout of a coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine developed by Pfizer/BioNTech, which has now been approved for use in the UK by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

Who will get the vaccine?

Vaccinations are being prioritised, with those most at risk of complications from Covid-19 being offered the vaccine first.

This includes older adults, those in care homes and frontline health and social care workers. It follows advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).

When more vaccine becomes available, the vaccines will be offered to other people at risk as soon as possible. This includes:

• those aged over 80 years

• those aged over 75 years

• those aged over 70 years

•adults on the NHS shielded patient list

The NHS is not expecting the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to be widely available until 2021.

Six other vaccines are in different stages of development, and it is hoped that others may also be approved for use in the near future.

How will the Covid-19 vaccine be rolled out in East Sussex?

The NHS is planning to deliver the vaccination programme in three main ways:

1. Hospital Hubs (where the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine can be stored safely)

2. Local Vaccine Services – provided by GPs and pharmacies

3. Vaccination Centres – large sites convenient for transport networks

The NHS is currently starting the first stage of the vaccine rollout in Hospital Hubs.

This is mainly because the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine needs to be stored at -70 degrees Centigrade, which makes it difficult to use outside of hospital settings.

For East Sussex residents, these will initially be delivered by the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton. Deliveries are expected to all Sussex acute hospital sites in the coming weeks.

As further types and quantities of vaccine become available, so the method and location of vaccinations may change. It is hoped that local methods of delivery will be rolled out in the near future.

Further information on the vaccination programme in East Sussex will be updated on the Sussex Health and Care Partnership website.

When can I get the Covid-19 vaccine?

The NHS has told us that individuals will be contacted directly when it is their turn to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

Until you are contacted:

· Please be patient and do not contact or visit any NHS services seeking a Covid-19 vaccine until you receive a letter or text from NHS providers.

· Please continue to abide by guidance on social distancing, masks, household mixing and hand hygiene, which will still save lives.

If you have not yet been approached about having the Covid-19 vaccination, please read the information: why you are being asked to wait.

What Healthwatch East Sussex is doing:

We are working with the local NHS and other services as they prepare to roll out the Covid-19 vaccination programme in East Sussex.

This includes helping them to clearly communicate what is happening to local people and making them aware of any questions or issues that arise.

We know that there are lots of questions about both the vaccines and how they will be delivered.

Please send us any questions that you may have and we will do our best to find the answers for you. This will help NHS staff to focus on delivering the vaccine and protecting local people.

We will also share these with you via a dedicated section of our website.

COVID-19 For the latest information regarding the new government lockdown please visit; ROTHER COMMUNITY HUB Our Community Hub  remains available for anyone who feels vulnerable or isolated due to Covid-19 pandemic. Anyone who needs support can call Customer Services on 01424 78000 (option 4) who will be able to provide details of known support groups in Rother.
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