26 October 2020
We are in discussions with ESCC Rights of Way team regarding assistance with the handrail into Knowle Wood from Woodland Way. However it should be noted, that ESCC responsibility ends at the entrance into the Wood. We will keep you updated here on developments.
26 September 2020
As per the Ten Year Management Plan approved earlier in the year by the Parish Council for Knowle Wood, we’ve started dismantling the unsafe shelters.
When dens are built, large pieces of wood are moved and leant against weak branches or other trees. These pieces are often loose and can easily fall. Den building, although fun, is damaging the fallen deadwood and the root plate of the magnificent trees found in Knowle Wood.
Many flowers and plants are trampled when branches are collected for den building. Some important species have disappeared or retreated from areas where they should be thriving. Young tree stems are also easily snapped and can be torn from the ground.
We’ve been taking dens down to help protect the woodland and the wildlife that live in the understorey of holly and brambles. Please help us by leaving deadwood where it lies.
We have been hand sawing these dens and placing as wildlife habitat around the wood. We have also collected the plastic sapling tubes scattered around, along with other small pieces of litter.
We are investigating applying for a grant to build boardwalks at the two entrances into the wood from Wood Field. This will enable easier access throughout the year, for all ages and abilities. In addition, these boardwalks will protect the woodland floor, which is eroding at these points as the photos below show. Quotations are presently being sought.
We are also looking at a handrail for the entrance to Knowle Wood from Woodland Way.
Presently, we are allowing the wood to re-wild, slowly replacing lost holly and bramble habitat for species such as dormouse, offering protection and food for mammals and birds during the Winter and breeding in the Spring.